Petey (38) was born in The Netherlands. He grew up and lives in Groningen. He works at a Pizzeria. His mother is Dutch and his father is Moluccan. He is a 3rd generation Moluccan. He feels European and Moluccan and he feels close to his roots because of his family.
What kind of upbringing did you have? There is also a term: “Tiger parents or Tiger mom”. Did you have a similar upbringing?
My mother has always been there for me, she is a very strong and wise powerful woman.
Are there any taboos or things that you can’t discuss with your parents?
There are no taboos.
Do you feel close with your Asian roots?
Yes I feel so because of my family. When I am with my family, for example at special family parties, I really feel the unity.
Did you ever feel ashamed of you being Asian?
No never! I am proud of my roots.
Did you ever have a role model when you grew up?
My Mom. She always inspired me.
What do you think of the Asian representation in The Netherlands?
I don’t know many Moluccans who are represented in the media. I think we are less represented but as of yet, I don’t think we are a very small minority in the Netherlands. I don’t know many Moluccans who are in the media. I think it’s okay.
Do you feel like you’re the ‘The Asian Model Minority Myth’?
No, not so much.
What made you who you are now?
My faith in myself.
Have people made comments about you being Chinese?
Sometimes because of my Chinese tattoos. The tattoo on my arms is my name in Chinese.
What are stereotype Asians in your opinion?
I think there are no stereotypes. Because we are all different, no two people are the same.
Do you know any Moluccan stereotype, and do you feel like you’re that stereotype?
I don’t really know a lot of stereotypes, so I also don’t know if I feel like a stereotype.
What stereotypes and comments have you heard about your appearance?
Not really bad ones. Racist comments are usually made by people who cannot express themselves otherwise and start to curse.
What racist remarks and discrimination have you experienced?
I got racist comments from other school’s kids when I was a kid. I didn’t like it.
When I was in elementary school, I always had to walk past a school to come to my school and that was a strictly reformed school where only white children attended. They often did name calling towards me and other kids with another skin color, because it was strange for them, I think it’s because they didn’t have that in their school.
In Asian culture, it is normal as a woman to get married as soon as possible, have children, and become a housewife. Because when you have a husband, you have children, you have “made” it in life. How do you see it?
Live and let live.
Where do you stand now and what are your plans for the future?
I stand now on the half of the mountain but very soon I will be on top 😊
What do you want to give to the readers?
That everything is always working out for you once you start believing it.
Where can we follow you?