There is little to no Asian representation of the different Asian communities in mainstream media, especially in western countries such as The Netherlands. This leads to negative prejudice and racist behaviour. Many communities from Asia are forgotten in policies about inclusivity, anti-racism and discrimination. The word ‘Asian’ often refers to Chinese or East Asians (China, Korea and Japan) while Asia is a massive continent with a rich diversity of cultures, languages and people.
Asian countries are also for example: Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Laos. There is no such thin as ‘the Sri Lankan community’, because it is not a homogeneous community. There is also diversity here. Likewise with all communities.
With this accessible and simple game “Guess Who: Asian edition” creator Rui Jun Luong (she/her) wants to create more awareness about these issues. Changing people’s views on communities, so that these negative prejudices and stereotypes stop. The people in Asian communities are diverse, beautiful and are presented in colorful portraits in the game. To make the photoseries inclusive, diverse and intersectional, Rui Jun want to capture all kinds of different people from Asian communities and diaspora.